Hack 58 – February 2025
A very quiet one, which is fair enough after we came out storming into 2025 last month. Some skiing, some accidents, but thankfully no ski accidents.
Stuff people did
Ryan and Ben were off on a ski holiday, starting off right posting a pic from the airplane…then Adam asked for more pics and Ryan said yes, but didn’t upload any more pics. :trumpet: :trumpet:…
Adam cut his right middle finger while opening some tinned tomatoes on Friday night, and it pretty much incapacitated him for this hackday. He finished up the final season of Cobra Kai (which is SOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!) instead.
Panda got surprised by this hackday, which was earlier than normal, since the last day in February this year was a Friday, so this came about 2/3 of the way through the month.
Hugh had a headache (which we’ll attribute to an accident, just to keep the theme going), and was unable to join.