Hack 54 – October 2024
We had an old grizzled vet in attendance, a new young gun ready to make a mark, and then Adam thought about the rust borrow checker and blue his whole project trying to understand it.
…that line started as a hilarious attempted wedding joke, but Adam just kept typing…
Things people did
Ben held the flame for the old-timer wily vets, opening PRs early and often, and confounding us with verbiage like “multi-camera” that you can, quote, take multiple pictures with. He buried the lede though, since the coolest part was the incorporation of cloudflare workers, and Adam forgot to badger him about all that.
Jacob was a new first-time attendee, delighting us with some halloween-themed game jamming, and being generally enthusiastic and delightful!
Adam only had about an hour to hack around, and decided to attempt to redeploy the newly refactored jq-pilot (now with moar server-side-events!) on cloudrun. It failed spectacularly, but at least now he has an idea of what the billing looks like (ie, about 1 quid/day).
Hugh continued his amazing streak of being the only person to comment in the discord every single hackday, and cheering on the remotehackers from afar…in its own way, remotely hacking the remotehack. hashtag delicious.