Hack 53 – September 2024
The kids are starting to rear their heads and roar with raring alacrity! At least half of the people who commented in discord on the day were childcaring, which is quite important, and maybe the most engaging form of remote hacking anyway? And when did Adam start writing question marks at the end of everything even when it’s not grammatically a question, but rather to convey discourse functions? He has no idea?
Things people did
Ryan was dealing with a one-act re-enactment of The Velvetine Rabbit, and extolling the virtues of calpol (aka: giving kids sugar and pain killers, which TOTALLY works). He didn’t let us know how it went, and hasn’t popped back up in the discord, so perhaps he’s composing a piece for musical regional theatre, and just keeping it close to the vest…but not too close!
Max luxuriated in his embarrassment of riches for choices, not having super young kids to shepherd, and teased us with the options he was considering…finally electing to try out astro for his blog, to great result!
Adam had a very insomniac 7-month old, and that was the entirety of his contribution until much later in the day when he grabbed some time to read the Etsy Debriefing Facilitation guide, which is very good actually. TL;DR - the point is to learn, not to reboot a server.
Hugh dropped by to well-wish and spread a bit of sunshine, as is his wont.