Hack 28 – July 2022
A proper Summer hackday! People dipped in, people dipped out, Ryan painted a room, and we promised to record podcasts and then didn’t. BUT that does set us up for some tasty mid-week SURPRISE podcasting sometime between now and the next hackday. Who knows what we might end up discussing?!?!?
OH! And we actually had two people (Dan and Panda) actually FINISH SOMETHING! So it was notably one of our most successful hackdays evah!
Things people did
Hugh tidied his desk to safely solder stuff, but thankfully, he remembered he didn’t have all the pieces and spent the day identifying all the missing pieces so that he can solder them another hack day. He also hacked the Irish government a bit more, making it just a little easier to find out what legislation they’ve been discussing and passing, using their API.
Dan DID successfully solder some stuff, as well as do a bit of wire surgery to get his USB fan working again. There were very cursory investigations into how he could make a USB device tell a computer that it was a monitor, but we’re still not sure if that’s a hardware or firmware issue, or what even the difference is.
Ryan painted a room and also showed us some complex smoldering soldering action modding out his espresso machine. Someone briefly commented that expressos were tasty, to which he replied, “yes, espresso, an espresso, yes, that’s my drink!”
Ruth made a smashing return as the hackday MVP and made a thrilling design with beautiful colours that delighted and bedazzled. She also heard about the cocktail API, so that’s her sorted for every other hackday ever.
Panda made some bad noise, but also pushed an update to production for his personal site.
Adam made some strides hooking up the code-corpus-api, but it’s still not even running locally, which is mostly because he decided to use two different data stores in the same project, and mostly faced issues grabbing stuff from mongo and then putting it into postgres.