Hack 20 – November 2021
Things People Did
Max made a macro button, but we didn’t have a podcast, so we’re not sure what it did.
Adam ordered a legit webcam, so hopefully in the future people will actually be able to recognise him in the main discord room. He also flipped one pancake and it was tweeted. He also turned some bash scripts into node, which was sensible.
Pete asked a question about “individually addressable rgb light strips” and got very helpful advice.
Gabor put together some IKEA furniture like a proper adult.
Ryan moved house in the great blizzard of 2021.
Ruth continued to be the MVP of the entire hackday, downing two pots of tea, fixed her boiler, investigated backend integrations with GitHub apps for an MDN dashboard (which sounds super cool!) and then finished off the day sewing any damn thing she pleased. When asked what the impact of her sewing was, a naive onlooker asked “so what?”, to which Ruth savagely replied “Sew buttons!”