Hack 13 – April 2021
This was meant to be the unconf, but we decided to re-schedule and just had a regular hackday instead.
Things People Did
Adam and Ben discussed all things Tech Ed, and dropped a whole smorgasbord of links into the #general channel, which Adam will definitely get to at some point
Max took pictures with a RaspberryPi, to send to another RaspberryPI with an e-ink display. A mysterious third RaspberryPi made things a bit harder.
Pete worked on a web-based Minecraft block renderer using cool data structures and fancy words.
Ruth, Ben, Max, and Pete learned about pen plotter apis, and remote-controlled Ruth’s Frankenstein mechanical arm thing. Rad.
Mike confessed that his original hackday never ended, and he’s been hacking all along on an electron substitute that uses Rust instead of JS.